There are many diverse reasons to evaluate a company. In the majority of cases, it serves to convey purchase or sale prices of companies. However, also within the framework of value oriented corporate management (shareholder value) and for (international) accounting, there is nowadays an increased demand for and execution of corporate evaluations.


We offer company evaluations for, among others, the following requirements:

  • Sale and Purchase of a Company or Part thereof
  • Initial Public Offerings
  • Withdrawal of a Partner from a Partnership
  • Determination of Exchange Ratios in the case of Mergers
  • Exclusion of Members from a Company with Limited Liability with Financial Settlement
  • Proportional or Disproportional De-Mergers with Financial Settlement
  • Valuation of Shares in the case of Contractual Termination of a Limited Liability Company or the Exercise of a Contractual Acquisition Right

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    Huzanić j.t.d.

    Bartolići 47
    10000 Zagreb

    +385 98524683


    Josipa Marohnića 1/1-7 kat (City Plaza Zagreb)


    IBAN: HR3524020061100682842
    Erste & amp; Steiermärkische Bank d.d., Jadranski trg 3a 51000 Rijeka

    Commercial Court in Zagreb
    MBS: 080885074
    OIB: 75810964287
    VAT ID: HR75810964287

    paid-in capital: HRK 5,000.00
    responsible person: Bojan Huzanić

    Savjetovanje Huzanić j.t.d.
    is part of the TPA group.