VAT refund to taxpayers with registered office in another member state
Taxpayers from other EU member states have the right to submit a request for the refund of VAT charged for goods and services in the Republic of Croatia through the electronic VAT refund system (VAT REFUND) of the member state in which they have their registered office, permanent establishment, residence, or habitual residence; not through the Croatian Tax Administration system.
Savjetovanje Huzanić j.t.d. is now TPA savjetovanje Huzanić d.o.o.!
Savjetovanje Huzanić j.t.d. is now TPA savjetovanje Huzanić d.o.o.!
News in the Intrastat System in 2024
The Croatian Bureau of Statistics and the Customs Administration have published the news regarding Intrastat system for the year 2024.
Tax changes – Amount of daily allowance for business travel abroad
Below you can find an overview of the most important tax changes regarding the decision on the amount of daily allowance for business travel abroad for users financed from the state budget.
Tax Professions in Europe
We are pleased to present to you the results of international survey “Tax Professions in Europe”, conducted by the German Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors, with participation of the Croatian Chamber of Tax Advisors.
New round of Tax reform – Year 2024 – Part 4
At the session of the Croatian Parliament held on September 28, 2023, amendments to the existing tax regulations were adopted. Most of the adopted legislative changes enter into force on January 1, 2024. Below is an overview of the main changes in legislative regulations.

You can find more about trainings, lectures and professional gatherings on the website TPA Croatia
Huzanić j.t.d.
Bartolići 47
10000 Zagreb
+385 98524683
Josipa Marohnića 1/1-7 kat (City Plaza Zagreb)
IBAN: HR3524020061100682842
Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d., Jadranski trg 3a 51000 Rijeka
Commercial Court in Zagreb
MBS: 080885074
OIB: 75810964287
VAT ID: HR75810964287
paid-in capital: 5.000,00 kuna
responsible person: Bojan Huzanić

Savjetovanje Huzanić j.t.d.
is part of the TPA group.